Hey hey hey!
If you haven't already snuck a peek at Ryan's "What You're Into" show, here is a quick sampling of the delights that await you:
"Tripper 1. Moth Man 2. Tattooed Ladies 3. 30 Rock"
"Faryn 1. Narwhals 2. Fancy Cheese 3. Robert Duvall"
"Billy 1. Vikings 2. Death Metal 3. Giant Isopods"
"Ayumi 1. Chewbaka 2. Sloth from Goonies 3. Falcor from The Never Ending Story"
You can see all the work, except for poor Chloe's piece that I forgot to scan, right here. And, bonus news, if you're into these things too, you can now buy the art through Buy Olympia!
We had tons o' fun at the opening last Friday. So much fun, in fact, that I did a really terrible job of photographing the merriment. Luckily for us, Pat picked up the slack.(A 3D version of the drawings!)
(What You're Into dance party!)
(All those photos are from Pat Castaldo - thanks Pat!)
In that bottom photo, you can see the zine we made to accompany the show. I suppose it's really more of a catalog than a zine but we made it ourselves, even bound it with gold thread, so it's got a zineish thing going on. We hope to have those available for sale real soon.
Things aren't even close to slowing down around these parts. Ryan has another solo show next month as well as a couple group shows so apologies if we are seeming a little scattered right now. Luckily we have this gentleman on hand to keep things real.